Paul Kittinger
Retired BSEE (since 2003) having worked for 40 years with all but the first couple in the medical device industry. Initially did design, but for the last 25 years or so went into quality assurance and regulatory affairs. Played trumpet in high school, where I met my future wife, from whom I grew to prefer "classical" music since she was proficient on violin, viola and piano. Built a couple of speaker systems "way back when" with little knowledge, but became more serious and gained knowledge as Y2K approached. Since then have focused on transmission line designs modeled with the accurate software created by Martin King. Not being a crossover designer, I solicited those designs from others, most frequently Dan Neubecker, with our joint efforts being very fortunate to have won 1st place numerous times, and a couple of 2nd places, in their respective categories at Parts Express' annual Midwest Audio Fest.
"I love to design transmission line cabinets and have done so many, many times for other DIYers literally around the world, as well as for several commercial entities (Philharmonic Audio, Salk Sound, Ars Harmonia and RAD)".
December 14, 2017
Thank you Paul, for sharing your remarkable talent.
Paul is featured in the AudioXpress magazine for September 2018.